Every day the crime rate in Indonesia is increasing and the crime typevaries, ranging from mild to severe crime. At the end of 2018,Polda Daeraeh Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) released a crime index during2018. The total crimes that occurred during 2018 increased 4.55% or 218 cases from 2017 that were 5,013 crimes. Sleman has the highest crime and major by 3C (Curanmor, Curas, and Curat) crimes with 2,016 report during 2018.
This high crime rate motivated us to cope with one type of criminality, which is about the theft of a helmet. Although helmet theft is classified as mild criminality and has no serious impact on the victims, but helmet theft is rampant around us. Based on the results of our random survey of 105 respondents from various universities in Central Java and Yogyakarta, we got the following results.Based on the result of the survey, we find 93% of respondents saying that they need security tool for their helmetand 34% have been lost their helmet. Those key findings address us to offer a product that can accomplish security needs and users still can simply put the helmet on the motorcycle.
ANTHEM or Anti-Theft Helmet is a security system that is practically designed to secure the user’s helmet without the need for excessive effort like opening the seat first.This security system is not like the other security system in most helmets where in other security systems the component such as locking system should always be taken and some can not even be removed from the helmet. System like this is less effective because the user can forget to bring their padlocks or the padlock can be lost because it is placed in any place and when it blends with the helmet it can create a sense of discomfort to the user.
ANTHEM has a unique design. This security system uses concept such as a padlock on the laptop where there is a wire as a connecting between the locking system with the motorcycle body. The series of wires are placed attached in the trunk with adhesive material and because of its relatively small size it will not interfere with the goods in the trunk. The user will only need to pull the wire and connect it to the hole on the helmet. After that the user can place his helmet in any desired place according to the wire length. When is not in use the wire from the locking system will be attracted to the center of the wire rolls as in the mousepad so it will not interfere with something around the motorcycle.